Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about Darwinia chains and tokens

  1. Darwinia chain

You can check basic network information of Darwinia chain in the link.

(open the link)https://docs.darwinia.network/build/getting-started/networks/darwinia/

Here we can see the network name, chainId and RPC endpoint. The native token on Darwinia chain is RING. And we can use Subscan and Subview as block explorers to check transactions on Darwinia network. (We can demo how to use Subscan here).

Here is a button to help you connect your wallet on Darwinia network.(Demo: click the button, connect the wallet and transfer some RING).

  1. Crab chain

Next, I will introduce another important chain, Crab. Crab serves as Darwinia's canary network, and it has economic significance as well. Similar to how Kusama works with Polkadot, Crab is a more experimental and rapidly evolving version of Darwinia, used to test and deploy features before they are rolled out on Darwinia.

Here is a doc for Crab chain: https://docs.darwinia.network/build/getting-started/networks/crab/

Similar to Darwinia chain doc I showed before, you can see all basic information of Crab network in the doc. The native token on Crab is called “Crab” as well. And you can use Crab subscan or Crab subview to check all transactions on Crab network.

  1. Koi testnet

And another important chain is Koi. Koi acts as the primary test network for Darwinia, it’s maintained to ensure that new and innovative features are thoroughly tested before they are deployed to the main production network.

You can check basic information of Koi network in this doc https://docs.darwinia.network/build/getting-started/networks/koi/#connect-wallet-automatically

The native token on Koi is called KRING. To obtain the token for testing, you can go to the faucet-koi, you can request 10k KRING per address one day. Now I will have a demo on how to transfer KRING on koi testnet. (Demo on request test koi token and transfer)